Media release

Cannabis Seizures - Galiwinku / Gapuwiyak


Northern Territory Police have seized cannabis and cash in two communities following investigations into the sale and supply of the drug in Arnhem Land.

Superintendent Craig Barrett from the Arafura Division said two males and a female had been arrested and charged as a result.

“A 26-year-old female in Galiwinku has been charged with possession and supply of a trafficable amount cannabis in an aboriginal community after Members conducted a search of a residence and allegedly found 72 grams of cannabis in 76 individual deal bags in a freezer.

“Police will allege the woman was selling the deal bags for $200 each.

“In Gapuwiyak two men aged 30 and 33 have also been charged with possession and supply of cannabis in an aboriginal community after Police allegedly discovered 35 deal bags of cannabis in a vehicle.

“The 33-year-old was also charged with money laundering and $930 was seized, suspected to be from the proceeds of crime.”

Superintendent Barrett said it was an excellent result for local Police and for the communities.

“The profiteering by these individuals is staggering.  They do not care who is hurt or who suffers as a result of their behaviour.

“Police will continue to target drugs and other illegal substances in communities to keep the residents safe from harm and free of exploitation.”

The two men were bailed to appear in the Gapuwiyak Magistrates Court on 1 April 2014 and the female was given notice to appear in the Galiwinku Magistrates Court on 2 June 2014.