Media release

Man Charged with Firearm Offences - Yarrawonga


Strike Force Trident Detectives have charged a 39-year-old man with firearm offences following a seizure in Yarrawonga.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Bland said Police apprehended a Land Cruiser on Yarrawonga Road yesterday and conducted a search of the vehicle.

“Members located drug paraphernalia, a loaded pistol and a quantity of ammunition,” Detective Senior Sergeant Bland said.

The 39-year-old driver was arrested and charged for a number of offences, including:

Possess firearm without a licence
Possess prohibited firearm
Possess firearm with altered ID marks
Possess a loaded firearm in a public place
Possess ammunition without a licence
And a number of traffic offences.

He was bailed to appear in the Darwin Magistrate’s Court 11 April 2014.