Media release

Drink Driver Arrested – Alice Springs


A 23-year-old female has been charged with numerous traffic offences, following her apprehension outside of Alice Springs.

Sergeant Conan Robertson of the Southern Traffic Operations Unit said Police witnessed the woman driving a Ford Falcon on the wrong side of the North Stuart Highway.

“It is alleged the woman was travelling south along the highway, heading directly towards a Police car which was travelling in the opposite direction.

“Police took evasive action to avoid a potential collision as the Ford left the road.

“The vehicle conducted a U-turn and continued on. Police allege the woman then emptied the remnants of a wine bottle out of the car window.

“Police apprehended the driver, who returned a reading of 0.169%.”

She has been charged with:

High range Breath Alcohol Content
Disqualified driver
Drive manner dangerous
Drive unregistered motor vehicle
Drive uninsured motor vehicle
Drive unsafe motor vehicle
Breach APO

The car was also defected.

The woman was bailed to appear in the Yuendumu Magistrates Court on 14 April 2014.

“This woman is lucky we apprehended her before she injured herself, her passenger or any other road users in the area at the time,” said Sergeant Robertson.