Media release

Katherine Police Crackdown on Alcohol Sales


Katherine Police seized and destroyed 167 litres of alcohol in a crackdown on alcohol sales in the town yesterday.

Commander Bruce Porter said Police are committed to keeping people safe and delivering a dedicated and passionate service to ensure a safe and secure environment within Katherine.

“The irresponsible consumption of alcohol often leads to an increase in anti-social and violent behaviour.

The Police seizure included:

  • 49 x bottles of wine
  • 2 x litres of cask wine
  • 186 x cans of VB beer
  • And a quantity of other beer and spirits.

“I strongly encourage the community to drink responsibly, not only for their own safety, but for the safety of their families and other community members.

“Police will continue to target those who consume alcohol excessively and unlawfully, in a bid to lessen the negative impact on the Katherine community,” Commander Porter said.