Media release

Escaped Prisoner Recaptured by TRG in Bushland - Katherine


Police have secured the recapture of a repeat prison escapee after 15 days at large, apprehending him in a bush camp late last night.

Graham Cowen escaped from the Darwin Correctional Facility on Tuesday 11 March, 2014.

Detective Senior Sergeant Peter Schiller of the Serious Crime Squad said Police had spent many man hours gathering intelligence and finally tracked Cowen to scrubland approximately 30kms west of Katherine.

“Serious Crime Detectives have been working around the clock, having stood up Operation Exagon immediately after the escape.

“Good old fashioned police work and relentless investigation led them to suspect Cowen was holed up in bushland in the Katherine region.

“Once we were confident he was in the area a tactical operation was conducted by the Territory Response Group, with members positioned in the bush, locating tracks that ultimately led them to Cowen.

“TRG members tracked Cowen in the bush prior to taking him into custody late last night.

“The investigators and tactical operators involved deserve recognition for what could have been a more protracted Operation if not for their professionalism.

“When arrested it became apparent that he had been receiving assistance as he had cash, mobile phones and other equipment in his possession.

Police take the offence of harbouring a criminal very seriously, and investigations remain ongoing in relation to third parties assisting the prisoner whilst he remained at large.

“If anyone has any information in relation to persons assisting either escapee, Police would welcome your call.  You can call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 to report this information anonymously,” said Detective Senior Sergeant Schiller.