Media release

Strike Force Trident Charge Man with 59 Offences - Darwin


An 18-year-old male will appear in Darwin Magistrates Court today after he allegedly broke into 20 vehicles and stole property from inside them.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stinger from Strike Force Trident said the offender entered several unit complex car parks in Bayview and Parap between 30 March and 1 April.

“The offender allegedly broke into 16 vehicles and stole money and electronic devices.

“Police allege the offender also entered unit complex car parks in Darwin City and broke into four cars between 28 January and 4 February and stole a MP3 speaker and money.

“It is estimated that around $8,000 worth of damage has been caused to the vehicles and around $2,700 worth of property was stolen.

Detectives from Strike Force Trident arrested the male in Casuarina yesterday and charged him with:

Trespass (x26)

Damage to property (x18)

Stealing (x15).

He was refused bail to appear in Court today.