Media release

Men Arrested for Assault Police – Tennant Creek


Two men are currently in custody assisting with enquiries following the assault of three Police Officers in Tennant Creek overnight.

Detective Sergeant Andrew Bedwell said at around 7pm Police attempted to breath test a 35-year-old male driver, who was believed to be driving intoxicated through a bottle shop.

“The male refused and is alleged to have recklessly accelerated, narrowly missing a Police Officer,” Detective Sergeant Bedwell said.   

“Police later located the vehicle at a residence on Limonite Street, with the driver and all four passengers still in the vehicle. Upon failing to provide a breath test, the male was removed from the vehicle when an altercation occurred.

“During the incident three Police Officers were assaulted, resulting in one being knocked unconscious and others receiving various injuries.

“The two men, aged 35 and 33, were arrested and taken into Police custody as investigations continue into the exact circumstances surrounding the incident.”

Police Commissioner John McRoberts said this type of behaviour is simply abhorrent.   

“Police are there to do their jobs and to keep the community safe, not to be treated like punching bags.

“Being punched, kicked, bitten and spat on whilst conducting their jobs is simply unacceptable and offenders can expect to be charged with serious offences.”   

Commissioner McRoberts is currently in Tennant Creek to see to the welfare of these Officers.