Media release

Three Youths Charged - Ludmilla


Detectives from Strike Force Trident have arrested three male youths after they allegedly stole $24,600 worth of property during a crime spree in Ludmilla.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer from Strike Force Trident said Police allege the youths aged 13, 16 and 17 unlawfully entered seven residences and broke into nine vehicles between 3 and 4 of April.

“The youths allegedly stole wallets, electronic items, jewellery, bicycles and spray painted three vehicles.”

Detectives from Strike Force Trident arrested the youths yesterday.

The 13-year-old was charged with unlawful entry (x7), stealing (x8) and trespass (x9).

He was remanded in custody and will appear in Darwin Youth Justice Court today.

The 15 and 16-year-olds were charged with the same offences and bailed to appear on 20 May.

“This is an excellent result for us. We will not tolerate people going around breaking into houses and cars and stealing peoples hard earned property,” Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer said.