Media release

Operation Crossroads and Operation Unite - Keeping People Safe Over Easter


Northern Territory Police will be out in force this Easter long weekend and urge motorists to take care on the roads so they can arrive safely at their destination

Operation Crossroads is a Police traffic campaign starting tomorrow night aimed at reducing road trauma and keeping people safe during a traditionally busy time on our roads.

Acting Deputy Commissioner Mark Payne said Operation Crossroads will include an increased police presence on the road, patrolling hot spots, targeting recidivist traffic offenders as well as static and mobile random drug and alcohol testing.

“Police will be taking a zero tolerance approach to those drink driving, speeding, not wearing seatbelts and all other illegal driver behaviour.

"We are anticipating a large amount of motorists travelling out of town during the long weekend and will be conducting RBTs and high profile patrols on urban and rural roads.

“Driving fatigued is a significant contributing factor in road crashes and Police urge drivers to plan rest stops and drive to conditions.

“Police will also be conducting Operation Unite over the Easter break, targeting alcohol misuse, violence and anti-social behaviour across the Territory.

“Police will be out in force patrolling public areas, entertainment precincts and licensed premises and will take a multi-agency approach with police working in conjunction with Liquor Regulation and Alcohol Strategy, Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service and St John Ambulance as part of the overall Operation. I encourage everyone to take personal responsibility in terms of safe drinking and associated anti-social behaviour.

“In addition Territory waterways will also be policed this Easter long week end, with Water Police out in force, focussing on water safety and fishing enforcement in a number of popular spots.

“With visitor numbers to popular recreational fishing spots increasing over Easter, we encourage those of you going on a camping or fishing trip to plan ahead.

“If you are heading out on the water ensure you have checked the tides, the weather conditions and notify family and friends of your plans. Make sure that your vessel is serviced, sufficiently fuelled and has the correct safety equipment, including a registered EPIRB on board.”

This weekend’s operation commences on Thursday evening, 17 April and concludes Monday morning 21 April and will run through Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs.