Media release

Operation Crossroads and Operation Unite Concludes


Northern Territory Police are happy with the overall attitude from drivers over the Easter long weekend, following the conclusion of Operation Crossroads.

Commissioner John McRoberts said Territorians and visitors to the Territory have behaved well over Easter.

“The Northern Territory is one of the few jurisdictions across Australia to report a fatality free Easter long weekend.

“While Police thanked the drivers who acted in a responsible and safe manner there were still a number of people doing the wrong thing.

“Over the Easter weekend of the 9074 drivers tested, 28 tested positive to drink driving.

“Twenty Eight is still too many but the statistics show people are taking drink driving seriously, this equates to fewer serious injuries and no fatalities.

“Road safety is everyone’s responsibility I appeal to everyone to play their part in it.

“Whilst Northern Territory Police are pleased with the overall public response to Operation Unite, there is still room for improvement.  

“In excess of 180 Police Officers boosted existing patrols across the Territory with a focus on high visibility policing in and around licensed premises.

“Across the Territory 33 people were arrested for offences including disorderly behaviour, assault and drink driving.

“Although the operation has ended, Police will continue to take a zero tolerance approach to alcohol-fuelled violence and drink driving across the Territory,” Commissioner McRoberts said.