Media release

Strike Force Viridian - Domestic Violence Arrests


Strike Force Viridian Investigators have arrested two males in relation to outstanding domestic violence related offences.

Detective Senior Sergeant Neil Hayes said Police arrested a 27-year-old man in the Narrows after he allegedly breached a Domestic Violence Order (DVO).

“At the time of the arrest he was found with his partner this morning, in contravention of his DVO.

“He was charged and will appear in Darwin Magistrates Court this afternoon.

“In a separate incident a 21-year-old man was arrested after he had been actively avoiding Police in relation to a number of DVO offences and an outstanding warrant.

“He was arrested in Nightcliff this morning and charged, he too will face court later today.”

Strike Force Viridian has been running since November last year after being set up to target recidivist domestic violence offenders across the Darwin region.

“We will continue to target those who breach orders and conditions set to protect victims of domestic violence,” Detective Senior Sergeant Neil Hayes said.

If you or someone you know has been the victim of domestic violence please call Police on 131 444.