Media release

Strike Force Trident Arrests Darwin


Three teenagers have been arrested and will face court today following an unlawful entry and aggravated robbery in Ludmilla on Friday night.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Bland from Strike Force Trident said the three males, aged 14, 15 and 17, allegedly entered the residence at about 11.00pm on Friday, May 2.

“Police will allege the youths rummaged through the house for items to steal before one of them entered a bedroom where two children were sleeping.

“One of the children was allegedly assaulted and threatened before being let go.

“The youths have allegedly taken a number of items from the house including mobile phones, cash, jewellery, ipads and alcohol.”

Detective Senior Sergeant Bland said one offender was arrested within four hours of the incident and the other two were arrested a short time later.

“It was a very quick response from Police and the three youths have been charged with aggravated robbery, deprivation of liberty, aggravated assault, threat to kill, stealing, aggravated enter dwelling to commit crime, damage to property and trespass.

“The 15-year-old youth has also been charged with breach of bail.

“Most of the property was recovered and returned to the family.”