Media release

Aggravated Assault - Tennant Creek


Tennant Creek Police are calling for public assistance following the aggravated assault of a 20-year-old woman.

Constable First Class Paul Parkanyi said the woman was walking along Pinnacles Road at around 11:10pm on Tuesday when an unknown man began following her.

“The victim continued to walk in a southerly direction and turned the corner when the offender grabbed the woman from behind. The woman broke free from the offenders grip and fled the area.

“He is described as being of Aboriginal appearance, approximately 30-years-old, athletic build, 182cm tall, black shoulder length wavy hair with a full face beard.

“He was wearing a dark coloured baseball cap, a grey t-shirt and dark jeans.”

Police urge anyone who may have witnessed this incident or anyone who may have further information, to contact Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

“Police again urge people to be aware of their surroundings at all times especially at night. Make sure you stay in well-lit populated areas and if possible carry or mobile phone,” Constable First Class Parkanyi said.