Media release

Motor Vehicles Stolen - Alyangula


Police have arrested four people following the alleged theft of two vehicles in Alyangula yesterday.

Senior Sergeant Alex Brennan said the four males aged 13, 15, 16 and 18 allegedly stole a Toyota Land Cruiser from a residence and crashed the vehicle near Rowell Highway at around 2am.

“An 18-year-old male passenger received injuries to his arm as a result of the crash.

“Police believe the alleged offenders returned to Alyangula and stole a Nissan Patrol from a second residence.

“The vehicle was abandoned in Angurugu and Police allege the offenders smashed the vehicle windows causing around $3,000 worth of damage.”

The alleged offenders were arrested yesterday and today. The 15-year-old was charged with:

Aggravated unlawful use of a motor vehicle

Drive unlicensed

Damage to property.

He will appear in court at Alyangula in July.

The 16 and 13-year-olds will receive Youth Diversion.

The 18-year-old remains in custody and is assisting Police with their enquiries.

“One of the stolen vehicles was left unlocked in the driveway with keys to the vehicle inside it. This is a timely reminder to all residents to secure possessions, particularly vehicles and homes,” Senior Sergeant Brennan said.