Media release

Unlawful Entry - Public Assistance Sought - Darwin


Detectives are seeking public assistance in the relation to several stolen items including jewellery and a credit card from a vessel moored in Darwin Harbour on the 6 July.

Police allege the offenders used the credit card to purchase around $2,000 worth of goods from various stores in Darwin.

Senior Sergeant Mark Bland from Strike Force Trident said the offenders are not known to Police and could possibly be from interstate.

“It is in our best interest to catch these individuals before they continue on their travels.”

The offenders are described as:

  • A male of Caucasian appearance who appears to be in his late twenties, with short dark hair. At the time of the offence he was wearing a dark green shirt with a green pattern on the front, dark shorts, white runners and a thick gold necklace.

  • A male of Caucasian appearance who appears to be in his late twenties with long dark hair to his shoulders. At the time of the offence he was wearing a black baseball cap, long black pants, a dark shirt with NIKE written on the front and dark boots.

Police urge anyone who may recognise these individuals, to contact 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.