Media release

Missing Person – Gregory National Park


Police continue to search for 64-year-old missing man Michael Callahan, last seen at a campsite in Gregory National Park on Saturday night.

Commander Bruce Porter said Mr Callahan and his friend were camping at a location approximately 20km down Bullita Road. It is believed he walked away from the camp site between the hours of 8.30pm Saturday and 6.30am Sunday.

“The missing person was reported to authorities. Police, Park Rangers and local Fire and Emergency Response Group (FERG) members conducted ground and aerial searches, which are continuing today under the direction of a Search and Rescue Coordinator from the Territory Response Group.

“Mr Callahan is described to be of Caucasian appearance, fair complexion, medium build and approximately 175cm tall. It is unknown what clothing is being worn however Mr Callahan is believed to be travelling barefoot.

“We urge anyone who may have seen Mr Callahan since Saturday night to contact Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”