Media release

Overdue Fishing Party Located - Maningrida


Maningrida Emergency Response Group Volunteers (MERG) have located four persons who were reported overdue from a fishing trip.

Duty Superintendent Helen Braaam said Police were alerted at about 8.30pm last night that a 6.5 metre vessel containing two adults and two children had not returned as planned.

“MERG Volunteers located the vessel abandoned and partly submerged at Rolling Bay following an initial search.

“They have activated the GPS on board the vessel which led them to believe the persons may still be in the area.

“The search was suspended due to high swells and resumed at first light where the people were located on Second Island.

“It appears they have anchored in a bay but strong winds and waves have pulled the boat free from its mooring leaving the party stranded on the island.”

“They were transported back to Maningrida by helicopter this morning and are reported to be in good health.”

Duty Superintendent Braam said it was a timely reminder of how important it is to let people know where you are going and when you expect to return.

“In this case the group has failed to return as planed and the alarm was raised.

“Thanks to the work of the MERG Volunteers they were located safely and quickly.

“We would also like to thank Community members and our remote Police Officers for their work in this rescue.”