Media release

Drug Seizure - Gapuwiyak


Police have charged a 44-year-old man with drug offences following a search of his vehicle outside of Gapuwiyak on 12 September.

Superintendent Craig Barrett of Arafura Division said Police apprehended the vehicle on Friday evening after investigations led them to believe the man was selling drugs in the community.

“Police conducted a search of his vehicle and allegedly located a clip seal bag containing cannabis seeds. 

“Police also allegedly found rolls of cash, totalling $1,500, hidden inside the rear tail lights.

The male has been charged with:

Supply dangerous drug in community

Possess a dangerous drug

“Police continue to target those bringing illicit items into our community and urge anyone who may witness any drug related activity to call 131 444 or contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000,” said Superintendent Barrett.

The man was bailed to appear in the Numbulwar Court of Summary Jurisdiction on November 18.