Media release

Cannabis Seizures - Maningrida Road


Police from the Northern Substance Abuse Intelligence Desk (NSAID) and the Dog Operations Unit (DOU) have seized close to 280 grams of cannabis and arrested three people for drug offences.

Detective Sergeant Ian Kennon said the drugs were detected during a vehicle apprehension at a road block on Maningrida Road approximately 130kms out of Jabiru.

“One of the occupants of the vehicle threw a package from the car as it approached the road block.

“With the help of Drug Detection Dog April, a significant quantity of cannabis was recovered in the discarded package.

“A search of the vehicle uncovered a further quantity of cannabis and three bottles of spirits.

“Almost 280 grams of cannabis was seized, and a quantity of the cannabis had already been divided into deals bags, ready to sell in the community.

Detective Sergeant Kennon said NSAID and the DOU will continue to target people who engage in drug supply into remote communities and exploit people for profit.

A 33-year-old female and two males aged 34 and 36 have been charged with possessing a trafficable quantity and supplying cannabis as well as bringing liquor into an alcohol protected area. The three persons have been bailed to appear in Maningrida Court on the 4th of November.