Media release

Strike Force Trident Arrest 10 Youths - Darwin


Detectives from Strike Force Trident have arrested and charged 10 youths in relation to a number of unlawful entries in the Palmerston area over the past week

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said Police allege the youths were responsible for a series of break-ins at local businesses and houses.

“We have charged this group of youths with a range of offences relating to a recent crime spree across Palmerston. 

The youths aged between 12 and 18 years collectively have been charged with 17 counts of unlawfully damaging property, 30 counts of aggravated unlawful entry of a building, 24 counts of stealing, two counts of unlawful use of a motor vehicle and trespass.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said seven of the youths were on bail at the time of this latest offending and they have also been charged with breach of bail.

“We will continue to target offenders on bail.  If you are one of these people, we will make sure you are abiding by your bail curfew.  

“If you choose to ignore your bail conditions, we will find you and arrest you.

“This is also a timely reminder that people should secure their premises and vehicles to minimise the chances of being the next victim,” Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said.