Media release

Drug Detection Dogs' One Year Anniversary - Darwin


Yeti, Cougar and Wilson, with sisters, April and Astra, celebrate their one year anniversary today as Police drug detection dogs!

Acting Senior Sergeant David Young said the 18-month-old Labradors went through a rigorous 12 week course in Canberra last year and passed with flying colours.

“The dogs were then placed on a probation period for three months whilst they acclimatised to the Territory. New odours were introduced, including Cannabis and Kava.

“These five dogs bring to ten the number of drug detection dogs spread across the Territory. Wilson lives in Alice Springs, the other four live in Darwin.

“Every morning the dogs are taken for a run before preparing for daily duties including call outs and deployments. They look forward to the end of the day where they receive a big dinner.

“These are some of the best drug detection dogs the NT Police have ever had. Their drive and work ethic is phenomenal. The results they are getting are incredible and they will only get better over time. The success of the dogs is a direct result of the dedication of the handlers,” Acting Senior Sergeant David Young said.