Media release

Groote Eylandt Arrests


Over the past month, Alyangula Police have arrested 35 people as they have ramped up efforts to curb property and domestic violence related crimes on Groote Eylandt.

Those arrested were from a number of areas within the Alyangula Police jurisdiction including the Township of Alyangula and the Aboriginal Communities of Angurugu, Umbakumba and Bickerton Island.

The majority of the alleged offenders have been remanded and sent to Darwin Correctional Centre. 

Superintendent Sachin Sharma said “It is a significant result and demonstrates that Northern Territory Police will not tolerate offending of this type, irrespective of whether those offenders live in an urban centre or on a remote island. 

“Several persons were granted conditional bail and our Police Officers will ensure that those individuals comply with their bail conditions.  Any infractions of bail conditions will be dealt with.

“It is also encouraging to see the Groote Eylandt community assisting their local Police Officers.  It is this community assistance that has enabled Police to achieve these significant results,” said Superintendent Sharma.

Police would like to remind all residents to lock and secure their premises and vehicles as most offending is opportunistic and it will help reduce repeat victimisation.