Media release

Extradition - Darwin


A 22-year-old male Irish national attempting to flee the country was extradited to Darwin from New South Wales yesterday.

Detective Senior Constable Daniel Ralph from the Serious Crime Squad said the male was extradited from Sydney for offences relating to unlawfully causing serious harm during an altercation on Mitchell Street in March this year.

“The male was required to surrender his passport as part of his bail conditions.  However, on Monday 24 November he presented at Sydney International Airport in possession of a new Irish passport and a one way ticket out of Australia.

“Australian Federal Police, acting on a watch alert issued by Northern Territory Police, apprehended the male for breach of bail and he was escorted back to Darwin by officers from the Serious Crime Squad.

“The apprehension of this man should send a powerful message to anyone attempting to flee the Territory that we will not stop looking for you and we will find you,” Detective Ralph said.

The male will appear in Northern Territory Supreme Court today charged with unlawfully causing serious harm and breach of bail.