Media release

Territory Drivers Called On To Make December Fatality-Free


Northern Territory Police have called on all motorists to take particular care with the aim of making the Territory’s roads fatality-free this December.

Acting Superintendent Serge Bouma from Traffic Operations Division said Police were disappointed that people continue to lose their lives on Territory roads, often unnecessarily as a result of errors in judgment and, in some cases, acts of sheer stupidity.

“Police are certainly not alone in wishing December to be fatality-free but we are among those at the frontline in seeing the devastation and trauma caused by fatal crashes. That is something we’d all love to avoid, starting now.

“After 37 fatalities on our roads this year, many families continue to struggle with loss resulting from road trauma. A fatality-free December will mean that this festive season no more Territory families will be left to deal with the devastation of losing a loved one in such a tragic and perhaps preventable manner.

“Police will be out in force to ensure drivers aren’t speeding and are driving to the conditions, their cars are registered and in good condition, drivers are licensed and that those who choose to drink and drive are caught and taken off our roads to make them safer for everyone else,” Acting Superintendent Bouma said.

“We know that the vast majority of Territorians are responsible drivers and we applaud them for that. However, some drivers continue to put themselves and other road users at risk through irresponsible and dangerous driving behaviours, such as drink driving and speeding.

“To those who think that this sort of behaviour is acceptable, the message is that it is not. We will be there to catch them,” Acting Superintendent Bouma said.