Media release

Aggravated Robbery - Malak


A 42-year-old male has been arrested overnight in relation to an aggravated robbery in Malak.

Detective Senior Sergeant Karl Day from the Serious Crime Squad said just after 10:00pm General Duties Members responded to a call for assistance and report of an unlawful entry.

“The victim in this matter is a paraplegic and is confined to her bed. On hearing her windows being smashed, she bravely called 000. 

“The victim was then approached by the offender brandishing a large knife.  He proceeded to take her wallet and a bag of coins. 

“Fortunately, the rapid response of General Duty Police resulted in the offender being located while still inside the premises.  He was then arrested.

“The victim was conveyed to Royal Darwin Hospital for medical assessment and she has since been released.

“This is a cowardly attack on a person who was unable to defend their home or themselves.  It was an outstanding result by all the Police and support staff involved”, said Detective Senior Sergeant Day.

The alleged offender faces being charged with a range of offences. Investigations are continuing into an unlawful entry committed earlier in the night in the same area. We urge any persons out there who may have witnessed a suspicious person around the Malak area last night to come forward and contact Police on 131444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.