Media release

Missing Person - Darwin


Northern Territory Police hold concerns for the welfare of missing 62-year-old man Frank “Frankie” Lewis.

Acting Superintendent Kerry Hoskins from the Darwin Metropolitan Command said Frank was last seen on Saturday 22 November at 1.30pm in Tiwi.

“There have been no confirmed sightings of Frank since then.

“We hold grave concerns for the welfare of Frank as he has a number of medical conditions.

“Frank is described as being of Aboriginal appearance, approximately 168 cm tall, of slim build with a white beard.

“He was last seen wearing a long sleeved, light coloured shirt with blue jeans and white sneakers.  He was also wearing a black baseball cap with an emblem of the Aboriginal Flag on the front of it.

“Frank is also missing his left eye and uses a walking frame for assistance".

Police ask anyone who can provide any information into the whereabouts of Frank to contact Police on 131444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.