Media release

CCTV Operators Lead to Two Separate Arrests - Darwin


CCTV Operators located in the Territory Communications Section in Berrimah have recently assisted in the arrest of two alleged offenders.

Acting Superintendent Craig Laidler from the Territory Communications Division said the keen eyes of the CCTV Operators assisted Strike Force Trident Detectives in two separate incidents in Darwin City and Casuarina recently. 

“On Thursday 15 January an unlocked Nissan Navara was taken from a residence in Woodroffe. Strike Force Trident Detectives observed the vehicle being driven in Casuarina at 1:53am. Police pursued the vehicle for a short time before the driver stopped the car, jumped out and fled the area on foot,” Acting Superintendent Laidler said. 

“Less than an hour later CCTV Operators witnessed the driver on foot near the Casuarina Shopping Centre. Police attended and apprehended the 20-year-old man. He returned a blood alcohol content reading of 0.73%. 

“Shortly after midnight on Sunday morning it is alleged a 32-year-old female unlawfully entered a restaurant on Mitchell Street and proceeded to steal a number of bottles of wine.

 “CCTV cameras captured the woman in the Smith Street Mall, where she was apprehended by General Duties Officers patrolling the area. 

“Both alleged offenders have been charged with numerous offences.

 “This again proves CCTV Operators are an invaluable tool in the Police arsenal against crime.”