Media release

Statement by Acting Commissioner and CEO, NT Police Fire and Emergency Services, Reece Kershaw


I would like to clarify some matters relating to the resignation of former Commissioner McRoberts and the suspension by me last Thursday of a senior Police Officer.

Firstly, I would like to again reassure the people of the Northern Territory that they can continue to have full confidence in the integrity of the women and men of the NT Police Force and the other arms of the Tri-Service. 

I would like to advise that I have referred to the Solicitor for the Northern Territory three matters for full and frank investigation: 

  • Whether anything in the conduct of the suspended senior Police Officer warrants taking action against that officer other than suspension;
  • Whether anything in the conduct of former Commissioner McRoberts prior to his resignation could constitute a breach of the NT Police Force Code of Conduct and Ethics or a breach of any criminal offence provision; and
  • Whether any of the actions of former Commissioner McRoberts and/or the suspended officer involved any conflict of interest, and if so the nature of such conflict.

 In relation to the last of these, I have also asked the Solicitor for the Northern Territory to assess whether any changes may be required to existing Police policies, protocols or procedures governing conflicts of interest.

I have taken these steps in order to ensure there can be absolutely no question as to the integrity of any investigation of any matter that led to the resignation of the former Commissioner and subsequent related events.

I have assured the Solicitor for the Northern Territory that the NT Police Force will provide whatever information is required, will make available whatever resources are requested and will provided whatever assistance may be sought during the course of the investigation. 

Thank you.