Media release

Six Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary officers arrive in Darwin


Six Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) officers arrived in Darwin on Saturday for a four week placement program with the Northern Territory Police Force.

Acting Assistant Commissioner Lance Godwin welcomed the RPNGC members to the Northern Territory at a small function on Monday on behalf of the Commissioner of Police.

“The placement is part of the Papua New Guinea - Australia Policing Partnership program funded by the Australia Federal Police.

“It enables PNG Police officers a chance to draw on experiences from the Northern Territory Police and discover new policing techniques to become ‘agents of change’ upon return to their own operational units within the RPNGC.”

The six officers have been selected from stations in Port Moresby, Madang, and Mount Hagen and represent Internal Investigations Unit, front line policing and criminal investigative units within the RPNGC. This is the second placement program the Northern Territory Police have held.

“During their placement they will be provided access to all facets of our operations such as custody management, City Safe operations, general duties policing, criminal investigations and remote policing,” said Acting Assistant Commissioner Godwin. 

“Work placements include Professional Standards Command, General Duties, Sex Crimes, Drug and Organised Crime and the Family Violence Unit.”

The six RPNGC officers will return home on 8 May 2015.