Media release

Fishermen Rescued - Darwin


Water Police, Territory Response Group Officers and Surf Lifesaving Members have found two fishermen after a long night in inclement weather.

Senior Sergeant Craig Garland from the Water Police said the call for assistance came through about 9:30pm last night.

“The two men, aged 27 and 41 told family they were going crabbing and set off around midday on Wednesday.

“One of the men phoned home around 6:00pm to say their dingy had been overturned and they were on land near King Creek.

“Police began searching overnight using foot patrols, boats and jet skis before the men were located near the mouth of Buffalo Creek at 8:30am this morning having walking approximately 8 kilometres through mangroves.”

Senior Sergeant Garland said the men were very fortunate to be found in relatively good condition and urged any other fishermen thinking of going out in this weather to exercise extreme caution.

“Check wind and water conditions prior to leaving and make sure your vessel is capable of withstanding the current monsoonal conditions we are experiencing.

“Thankfully this has ended safely but it could have been deadly.

“Police spent almost 12 hours searching for these men in some terrible weather and we are asking people to seriously consider if a fish is worth their life,” Senior Sergeant Garland said.