Media release

Charges – Rollover – Pine Creek


A 26-year-old woman has been arrested and charged in relation to a single-vehicle rollover on the Stuart Highway near Pine Creek.

Arafura Division Superintendent John Atkin said the woman had allegedly been drinking at a residence in Coconut Grove when she and another woman took a white Toyota Prado four-wheel-drive belonging to her boyfriend.

“About 18km south of Pine Creek, the driver lost control of the vehicle and ran off the road,” Superintendent Atkin said.

The vehicle rolled and slid on its roof for about 80m before coming to rest.

“The driver and passenger then managed to extricate themselves from the vehicle and flagged down a passing car.”

Both were transferred to Pine Creek Clinic for minor bruising and lacerations. The driver was then conveyed to Pine Creek Police station, where she returned a breath-alcohol reading of .259. She was also unlicensed.

She will face court charged with:

  • Driving unlicensed
  • High-range drink driving
  • Driving without due care
  • Unlawful using a motor vehicle.

“Last year’s road toll was tragically high and I implore people to make better decisions when it comes to road use.  Or when family and friends see someone they love about to do something stupid, intervene because someone’s life may depend on it.”