Media release

Wrap Up – Mini-Operation – Nightcliff


Casuarina Police led a multi-agency mini-operation yesterday targeting unlawful occupancy and antisocial behaviour at John Stokes Square.

Uniformed and plain-clothed officers from multiple Police units as well as Public Housing Safety officers attended the units about 11am Wednesday to engage with local tenants, promoting the ‘Lock It or Lose It’ message and enforcing Liquor Act provisions.

Acting Senior Sergeant Tanya Mace said several individuals were issued infringement notices.

A/Senior Sergeant Mace said the operation was in response to an increase in antisocial behaviour in the area.

As a result of the operation, one man was arrested and a quantity of alcohol tipped out. Two notices to appear, one traffic infringement notice and eight liquor infringement notices were also issued.

“Multi-agency operations such as this – which target unlawful consumption of alcohol and unlawful occupancy – will continue throughout the year,” she said.