Media release

Rock Throwing – Palmerston


Northern Territory Police are again reminding Territorians of the Dangers of rock-throwing following a spate of complaints from across the Territory since the New Year.

Territory Duty Superintendent Louise Jorgensen said Police were last night directed to Temple Terrace near the Palmerston Shopping Centre by CCTV operators who had observed a group of youths throwing rocks.

“Members attended and spoke to three youths aged 13, 10 and eight, who all admitted involvement in rock throwing,” she said.

The eight-year-old was released, the 10-year-old was given a written warning and the 13-year-old arrested.

“Luckily there were no reports of damage.

“Police are getting reports at least every second night of rock throwing somewhere in the Territory. It's a dangerous practice and people have died interstate in the past.

“There are better ways to spend your night that don't involve pelting rocks at moving cars or buildings,” Superintendent Jorgensen said.

Anyone who witnesses instances of rock throwing is urged to contact Police as soon as they can on 131 444.