Media release

Suspicious Person - Holmes Jungle


Northern Territory Police are requesting public information to find a male who made inappropriate gestures toward a young girl.

Senior Sergeant Tanya Mace said the incident was reported to Police yesterday.

“The father of the child reported a male beckoned his daughter towards the public toilet block.  The child refused and returned to her father.  The male drove away before he could be approached.

“The male was described as being of Mediterranean in appearance with a shaved head, approximately 175-180 cm tall wearing brown shorts and a black shirt.

“Despite extensive patrols overnight, Police have not been able to find this person or the vehicle, a silver Mitsubishi sedan with WA registration 1ARF857.

“Police are disturbed by this persons alleged behaviour and are asking anyone who sees this vehicle or has information on this person to please contact us on 131 444 or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”