Media release

School Holiday Safety Messages – Central Australia


Police in Alice Springs and Tennant Creek have appealed to local residents to work with them to ensure everyone enjoys a safe, crime-free school holiday period.

Acting Assistant Commissioner Danny Bacon warned Centralian’s to be extra vigilant, and to take a few simple steps to protect themselves, their families and possessions. He said Police will be conducting special operations over the school holiday period targeting property offending, but the community could also take some simple precautions to help stamp out crime.

“If you are going away for the school holidays, ensure you secure all of your belongings, keep your car keys out of sight, and ask neighbours to keep an eye on your property. Don’t advertise your absence through social media – otherwise you’ll make your home an open target,” he said.

“Don’t leave alcohol in unsecured areas and secure fridges that are outside.

“If you do see something that’s suspicious, make sure you call it in to 131 444. We respond as quickly as possible to incidents, so the faster you pick up the phone the sooner we’ll be able to act. Remember, a Facebook post is not a Police report.”

Acting Assistant Commissioner Bacon urged motorists and riders to be careful on the roads.

“Don’t fall victim to the ‘The Fatal Five’ of drink or drug driving, not wearing seat belts, tiredness, speed and inattention all play a part in our road toll. Let’s not add any more tragedies to our road toll,” he said.

“Talk to your kids about the dangers of flooded waterways. Warn them not to play in drains and make sure that all children are supervised when playing near water. If there has been heavy rain, and crossings are flooded, don’t risk it.

“If you are camping out bush, make sure you have plenty of water, food, a satellite phone for remote areas and tell someone where you are going and when you are planning on returning.”

Remember, if you see anything suspicious, please call Police immediately on 131 444 or contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.