Media release

NT Police warn Territorians about phone scams


Northern Territory Police are warning the public to be vigilant when receiving calls from strangers.

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant David Allan said an elderly Territorian recently became the victim of a phone scam.

“Unknown individuals contacted the victim, claiming to be Fraud Squad detectives who had uncovered a scam being carried out on the victim.

“The victim was then ordered to pay large sums of money to have the scam investigated.

“Thankfully, the victim’s bank branch noticed the unusual transactions and notified authorities before any more payments could be made.

“Whilst this kind of scam is the first to be reported in the Territory, it is a timely reminder for Territorians to be vigilant,” Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Allan said.

“Once the money has been sent, it is extremely difficult to get it back.

“Never send money to someone you don’t know. If you have any concerns about the person you are speaking to or if you feel threatened, simply hang up.

“Sadly these scammers do not care who they target and unfortunately the vulnerable end up being victims. We encourage all Territorians to speak with their loved ones about the dangers of phone or online scammers.”

You can find out more information or report scams at: