Media release

'Disappointing' start to Easter Campaign


Northern Territory Police were left disappointed and frustrated at the first Random Breath Testing Station of the Easter Safety Campaign.

Superintendent Drew Slape said two drivers tested positive on McMillians Road this morning.

“Before 9:00am, a 49-year-old male returned a reading of 0.134% and a 45-year-old female returned 0.063%,

“Both were on their way to work and both admitted to ‘having a drink’ last night.

“If you know you are driving a vehicle in the morning you must consider your alcohol intake the night before. One standard drink will take around one hour to clear your system,” Superintendent Slape said.

Another male driver was cautioned after returning 0.043% and a 45-year-old male was arrested for driving disqualified.

“This is an appalling start to our campaign, if you cannot take the responsibility of driving on our roads seriously then don’t do it. You are not only risking your own life, you are risking the life of every road user.

“If you plan to drink, then plan not to drive. It is frustrating for police that drivers continue to ignore the very real danger of driving under the influence of alcohol.”

Superintendent Slape said police will be breath testing drivers, checking registration and licences and vehicle conditions across the Territory over the Easter weekend.

“What we want is for motorists to drive to conditions, to be considerate of other road users, be patient in increased traffic, make sure their vehicle and any trailers are in good condition and they avoid the fatal five. Don’t drink and drive, don’t drive tired, don’t be distracted, don’t speed and wear your seatbelt.”