Media release

Charges - Unlawful Entry - Driver


Officers from Strike Force Trident have arrested a 46-year-old male in relation to an unlawful entry.

Around 12:00pm on Sunday, 3 June, a witness observed the male looking into front yards at Driver and reported it to police.

Police located the male and requested to search his nearby residence on the belief he was involved in property offences. Police located items including several bottles of alcohol. The items were suspected to be stolen and as a result they were seized.

Police received a report around 9:30pm on Sunday in relation to an unlawful entry on the same street. Enquiries discovered that the property seized earlier in the day was the same property stolen from the victim’s location.

Strike Force Trident officers located the male yesterday around 12:30pm. Police searched the male and located a $4,000 wedding ring which had also been taken with the alcohol.

The male was charged with:

  • Trespass on premises
  • Damage to property
  • Unlawfully enter a dwelling – intent
  • Stealing
  • Unlawfully possess property

He is due to appear in court today.