Media release

Police apprehend vehicle carrying 18 people - Alice Springs


An 18-year-old woman has been charged with a number of driving offences after the vehicle she was driving was allegedly found to be carrying 17 passengers.

Southern Traffic Operations members in Alice Springs observed a vehicle that legally can carry a total of five persons travelling west on Lyndavale Drive, Larapinta yesterday evening and were surprised to see more than five passengers inside the vehicle.

“We saw a sea of faces looking out the windows,” said Sergeant Conan Robertson.

“We were dumbfounded.”

After pulling over the vehicle, members counted a total of 18 people inside the car including five adults and 13 children, the youngest being five-months-old.

“It is shocking that people continue to take risks with the lives of their loved ones,” Sgt Robertson said.

“This is an extreme case but unfortunately unrestrained children is still something that we see every day.

“Seatbelts save lives and leaving kids to bounce around unrestrained in a car is not acceptable for anyone.”   

The driver has been served a Notice to Appear in court on 24 October 2018 for driving unlicensed and numerous seatbelt offences.