Media release

Combating the road toll - Alice Springs


In an effort to combat the climbing road toll, police in Alice Springs have concentrated their efforts on Thursday and Friday to actively and positively influence the mindset of motorists.

This included a six-hour random breath testing (RBT) station yesterday.

On Thursday between 9:30pm and 11:45pm, members conducted RBTs on Sadadeen and Spearwood Roads, with 50 motorists tested. Two were arrested, one for High Range and one medium range drink driving with one of those also having a disqualified driver’s licence. A Notice to Appear was issued to one driver for low range drink driving, while a youth summons was issued for an unlicensed driver.

Yesterday evening from 2pm, police spent six hours roadside, testing approximately 1500 drivers heading southbound on the Stuart Highway.

Out of those 1500, one arrest was made for a high range reading. Six notices to appear were issued for low range drink driving and driver’s licence offences. Thirty-three traffic infringement notices were issued.

On the same night at RBT stations on Schwartz Crescent and Barrett Drive one driver was arrested for medium range drink driving and one for driving disqualified. One Notice to Appear was issued for low range drink driving and 10 litres of alcohol was destroyed before it entered an Indigenous community.

Commander Michael White of Southern Command said in their line of work, police officers have a great opportunity to drive the road safety message.

“With the road toll frighteningly high, police are enforcing the road safety messages that have been delivered for years,” Cdr White said.

“Some people don’t want to listen so we have increased the profile of road safety activities to reduce the risks associated with irresponsible driving.”

To work towards zero fatalities, we, as a community, need to work towards zero drink drivers. As long as we have drink drivers, we will have fatalities.”

He said that drivers should always expect to be tested for both alcohol and drugs.

“They ought to expect it and as a result make good decisions by arranging a ‘Sober Bob.’ Enough is enough.”