Media release

Historic currency found - Alice Springs


Northern Territory Police are appealing to residents who collect historic currency to check their collection after they located a quantity of pre-1980s Australian decimal currency yesterday.

Members of Strike Force WINX found the money on a 24-year-old man who was being arrested in relation to a number of criminal offences.

 “We’re asking anyone who keeps historical Australian decimal currency to check their collection,” said Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Leith Phillips

 “Initial investigations indicate the money may be the result of an unlawful entry.”

“The lawful owner of this currency might not realise that the theft has occurred, or they might not have had the chance to report the incident to police yet.”

Investigators are urging those who have information about the historic currency to ring police on 131 444.

The man has been charged with a range of offences relating to other matters and has been remanded in custody to appear in the Alice Springs Local Court at a later date

Residents are reminded to ensure their premises are secured and their personal property such as cash, electronic goods and car keys are secured out of site.

“Northern Territory Police continue to have an increased presence in areas of interest to deter offenders,” said Detective A/Snr/Sgt Phillips

“However we still require residents to do their bit and make sure they continue to secure their belongings, which starts with locking the front door.”

“It sounds tedious, but not having easy access cash, credit cards, electronic goods and car keys on display is one of the simplest steps in deterring crime.”