Media release

Traffic Offences – Alice Springs


Northern Territory Police are reminding motorists to adhere to road rules as students go back to school.

Around 6:30pm on Sunday 27 January, a 24-year-old male was stopped on the Stuart Highway after his vehicle was detected travelling 106 kilometres in a 60 kilometre zone.

The vehicle was examined and it was found that both rear tyres were bald and severely damaged.

The man has been issued a notice to appear in court on 13 March 2019 for driving at a speed dangerous to the public and driving with unserviceable equipment.

Sergeant Conan Robertson of Southern Traffic Operations said that with this week’s return to school there will be a lot more kids on our streets.

“They are vulnerable road users and we need to work together to protect them.

“This morning police apprehended two drivers in the school zone on Memorial Avenue in Alice Springs. One vehicle was detected travelling at 58 kilometres per hour – 18 kilometres over the school zone speed limit.

“Road users are advised to slow down in school zones and pay attention to school crossings,” he said.