Media release

For the Record…


The Northern Territory Police Force is committed to maintaining a safer Northern Territory. Public safety will never be compromised.

The Northern Territory Police Force is on track to grow to a 1500-strong force by mid-2020 through continued recruitment.


We have recruited to date an additional 98 officers of the Government’s commitment of 120.


In addition to the 120, 75 Police Auxiliary Liquor Inspectors will join the ranks to minimise alcohol related harm and increase compliance at alcohol points of sale.


This Friday, 21 Police Auxiliary Liquor Inspectors will graduate, with a further squad of 15 to commence this month.


In March, 24 Police Auxiliaries graduated, with a further squad of 20 to commence in July.


This month, 17 police constables will graduate and be stationed across the Northern Territory.


Our 10-year average attrition rate for constables and above between 2008 and 2018 was 4.23%. Last year the attrition rate was the lowest in 10 years at 3.15%. The rate of attrition for this financial year to 30 April is 4.12% currently under the 10-year average.


The Northern Territory Police Force remains an employer of choice and currently has over 440 applications to join the ranks, with 40 of those being police officers from other jurisdictions.


-       Deputy Commissioner Michael Murphy APM