Media release

Truck fire - Elliott


The driver of a cattle truck has had a lucky escape after his truck was engulfed by fire on the Stuart Highway on Friday afternoon.

Around 4pm police received a report of a cattle truck and trailer on fire, 80km south of Elliott.

The driver told police he was transporting three trailer loads of cattle when he saw a piece of rubber fly from the right rear side and then flames and smoke from the left rear side of the truck.

The driver aimed for a small clearing up ahead when the fire burnt through the truck airlines, causing the trailer brakes to lock and bringing the flaming truck to an immediate halt partially on the roadway.

By this time the first trailer, filled with cattle, caught alight. A passing motorist and another truck driver assisted the 43-year-old driver in releasing cattle onto the roadway and towing the 2nd and 3rd trailers away from the burning vehicle and trailer.

Two passing water tankers stopped to assist in extinguishing the blaze which destroyed the truck and trailer.

No injuries were reported and no cattle were observed to be injured as a result of the incident.