Media release

Vehicle fire – Katherine

Fire and Rescue

Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service (NTFRS) responded to a vehicle fire on Katherine Terrace in Katherine on Sunday night.

NTFRS received a report of road train on fire in the Katherine CBD at about 12:10am yesterday. The driver of the vehicle alerted authorities after noticing a carriage of his road train was alight.

NTFRS crews immediately attended and worked to bring the fire under control, preventing nearby businesses from sustaining excessive damage.

NT Police, and St John Ambulance also attended the scene. No injuries were reported during the incident.

The fire was brought under control by about 1am and crews remain on the scene until approximately 3am as a precaution. One carriage of the road train sustained significant damage.

The fire is not being treated as suspicious.

Senior Station Officer Daniel Kenna applauded the truck driver and the attending crew for their swift action.

“The quick action of our members also ensured that businesses and nearby structures only had minor damage sustained in the fire.”