Media release

Traffic operation - Barunga


Northern Territory Police were out and about ahead of this year’s Barunga Festival.

A Drug Detection Area (DDA) was set up near the event, which resulted in multiple traffic offences and substance offences being detected including:

  • Drive with prohibited drug in body
  • Possess less than trafficable quantity of schedule 2 Dangerous Drug
  • Bring liquor into a restricted area
  • Drive a vehicle without fastened seatbelt
  • Drive a vehicle with a license that has been expired for over 2 months
  • Drive – child not using restraint

Police are reminding all motorists, that we can be Anywhere at Anytime.

Remember the fatal 5; Always wear a seatbelt, don’t speed or get behind the wheel when intoxicated, don’t drive when fatigued and eliminate distractions.