An apology to Aboriginal Territorians

I, Michael Murphy, Commissioner of the Northern Territory Police am deeply sorry to all Aboriginal Territorians, for the past harms and injustices caused by members of the Northern Territory Police.

I formally apologise for the hurt inflicted upon Aboriginal people, and together with my fellow officers, I commit the NT Police service to do the hard work to transform our relationship with Aboriginal Territorians for a safer community for all.

We know that we cannot change or undo the past, but together we can commit to not repeating our mistakes and the injustices.

Media release

Disturbances – Milingimbi


Northern Territory Police are currently responding to large disturbances in the remote community Milingimbi.

Around 12:10am today. Police received reports of up to 100 people causing disturbances around the local clinic.

Damage was allegedly caused to clinic building, and nearby vehicles,  before police arrived and dispersed the crowd. It is believed the disturbances were instigated from two known groups within the community.

Shortly after the groups dispersed, it was reported that they re-grouped and up to 200 people, armed with weapons, began causing disturbances around the clinic.

Police conveyed the clinic staff out of the area and again dispersed the groups.

No injuries were reported to police and proactive patrols are continuing to keep calm within the community.

Additional resources from the nearby community o Ramingining, and Darwin, have been deployed and are expected to arrive shortly.

Superintendent Adrian Kidney said “ The violent behaviour we saw this morning is completely unacceptable and police are urging the community to come together and bring an end to this conflict.

“Police will be facilitating mediation talks and anyone with information is urged to contact police on 131 444 or visit your local station. You can also make an anonymous report through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”