Media release

Territory Day 2023

Emergency Service
Fire and Rescue

Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services (NTPFES) together with Bushfires NT are encouraging all Territorians and visitors to enjoy this year’s Territory Day safely.

The Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service (NTFRS) and Bushfire NT will be preparing for the night with enhanced firefighting and support resources across both of their response areas. Incident Management Teams will be in place to support our volunteer, auxiliary and career firefighters across the Territory.

For one day on 1 July, the public is allowed to purchase fireworks from licensed retailers between 9:00am and 9:00pm and the use of fireworks is only permitted between 6:00pm and 11:00pm. You should only buy the quantity you can safely let off within the approved period. A list of licenced retailers is available at 

Deputy Chief Fire Officer Joshua Fischer said “We are urging everyone to prepare for the night to ensure the safety of yourself and loved ones, not forgetting your pets.

“The wet weather down around the Central Desert and the humid weather up in Top End aren’t excuses to be complacent when it comes to the safe use of fireworks. Fireworks can be incredibly dangerous and present a high risk of causing unintentional fire ignitions or harm.

“Fireworks can only be purchased from licensed retailers, you must always read and follow the safety directions on each firework.  Never hold fireworks in your hand and always keep a bucket of water or a hose close by in case any small fires start. Never set off fireworks in or close to long grass or dry bush, and keep them far from structures, cars, and people.

“Last year, NTFRS responded to over 200 fires associated with Territory Day celebrations.  A number of those were bin fires caused primarily from people unknowingly placing hot spent fireworks inside bins. Always ensure your fireworks are cool before disposing of them. 

“This is the biggest working night of the year for our firefighters, let’s all work together to ensure it’s a safe night.”

NT Police can issue on the spot fines if people use fireworks in a way that might damage property or injure a person or animal. Fines will also be issued if people are in possession of fireworks after midday on Monday 3 July 2023.

Executive Director, Bushfires NT, Collene Bremner said “Bushfires NT is as ready as we can be with our volunteer brigades ensuring they have volunteers on hand ready to support their local community, but they also need help from residents and visitors.

Make sure your family, pets and property are prepared for a safe and enjoyable Territory night.”

“We urge the public to call 000 to report a fire or emergency, and report illegal or suspicious activity in their community to police on 131 444.”

The public can keep updated on the NT Fire Incident Map, NTPFES, SecureNT and Bushfires NT Facebook pages respectively.

People with unused fireworks can contact NT WorkSafe on 1800 019 115 to organise return of fireworks for safe disposal.