Media release

Charges – Property offences - Darwin


Northern Territory Police have charged a 38-year-old man for multiple unlawful entries in the Darwin CBD on Tuesday night. Darwin General Duties members and Strike Force Trident responded to the report of an unlawful entry on Smith Street yesterday and arrested the alleged offender who was located nearby.

Strike Force Trident Detectives canvassed CCTV for other reports on the same night and linked the alleged offender to three other unlawful entries along Smith Street and at the Stokes Hill Wharf.

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Dale Motter-Barnard said “Police appreciate the assistance of the business owner who notified police straight away after identifying the alleged offender asleep nearby their business.”

Police charged the man with four counts of damage to property, three counts of aggravated unlawful entry, two counts of stealing and one count of armed with an offensive weapon at night. He was remanded to appear in court today.

Police would like to remind the community to call Triple Zero immediately if the incident is life-threatening, needs immediate police attendance, a crime is happening now, or an offender is still in the area.