Media release

Bass in the Grass 2023 Wrap-up


Northern Territory Police are happy to report this year’s Bass in the Grass went off without a hitch with crowds partying safely at the event and also in the CBD throughout the night.

This was the fourth year Bass in the Grass was held at Mindil Beach with well over 10,000 people on site for the event.

Operation Pescara was set up by the Northern Territory Police to ensure public safety, with members from the Dog Operations Unit, Mounted Unit, Traffic Unit, Social Order Unit and general duties deployed to assist.

Of the thousands in attendance, one male was arrested for disorderly behaviour and another for unlawful use of a motor vehicle near the venue.

Superintendent James O’brien said “Our members had a fantastic time engaging with the community and ensuring everyone enjoyed themselves safely.

“The behaviour of revellers was overwhelming positive and police thank everyone who attended and made it a great day.  

“We look forward to attending Bass in the Grass 2024.”